Message board and pen pal service... step this way!!

This page will give you all message board information!


About OMEGA | Message board & pen pa's | Chat room | Where are you from?? | Photos | Information | Commin out | Safe Sex | Cartooning project | More Cartooning! | Good sleep | What is ME .. More than feeling tired | peoples storys | poems | Young and disabled | Disability Links | Sexuality links | Rest of the web


There are lots of places on the internet where you can find help, some of which are listed on the links page next door. But below you will find the link to the chat board. Its a good way to get other people's point of view on things.... dont be shy, i can garantee we have all been there!!
I hope you all stay clean on here, I dont mind what you post about, but dont forget there might be younger kids about too!!
This message board is a tempary mesure, if this site gets up and running i will pay for a better bored. If it doesnt get used, this is how it will stay!
I really hope you make the most of it chaps!



How do you fancy meeting some new people??

Maybe looking for that special someone, or just a new friend to chat to?

Well you're in the right place! If you would like to meet someone, send me an Email stating what sort of person you would like to meet and i will do my best to match you up with someone :o)

For the best matches please say what age, sex or sexuality you would like to meet, what sort of ability or disability they have and some interests. If you don't mind who you meet then just say so! Inclose your Email address and we're away!



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